Child Discipleship Resources for Churches and Parents
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See how Awana Child Discipleship leads to lasting faith.
Practical Ideas & Resources
Asking "Did you have fun?" Just Doesn't Cut It
There’s a 100% chance that every single one of us has witnessed a child being asked this question at pickup […]

Child Discipleship Training Near You
Learn how to create a culture of effective child discipleship with your team and lead kids to a lasting faith in Christ. Resilient Child Discipleship Training is based on biblical and practical discipleship insights, including the latest Barna Group research. Presented in five interactive sessions, an experienced child disciplemaker will guide you through the content.
Help with Hot Topics
Highly relational ministry led by loving and caring adults
Deeply scriptural ministry rooted in the truth of God's Word and the power of the Gospel
Truly experiential ministry designed to move kids from simulation to real-world application of faith-based living
Crucial Conversations About Child Discipleship
We Are Champions of Child Discipleship Worldwide
Awana is a global non-profit organization, fueled by the generous donations of individuals, churches and organizations, as well as resource sales, to accomplish our mission of equipping leaders to reach kids with the Gospel and engage them in lifelong discipleship. Our vision is that every child would come to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Right now this is happening in 139 countries worldwide through 85,000 churches, reaching more than 7.2 million kids with lasting faith.