Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!
Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
Dear Father,
Thank You for sending us Jesus, our Good Shepherd, to seek and save the lost. Help us turn from our sin and follow You. Amen.
Share with your children the story of how Jesus was your Good Shepherd who sought you out and brought you back to Him.
Listen to this playlist throughout the series to worship our King, Jesus Christ.
When Zacchaeus realized his sinfulness, he returned four times the amount of money he took from people. Give each of your children one coin. After “stealing” their one coin, return a few minutes later and give them back four coins. Explain that Zacchaeus turned from his sinful ways toward following Christ’s ways.
Jesus was in Jericho when He went to Zacchaeus’ home. Ask your bigger kids to research facts about Jericho and look up its location on an online map. Then encourage them to share what they learned with the rest of your family.
Draw the outline of a sheep and help your younger kids glue on cotton balls for the wool. Remind your children Jesus is the Good Shepherd who came to seek and save the lost.
Help your kids understand the relationship between sheep and their shepherd. Search “sheep and shepherd” videos online. Encourage your children by explaining that Jesus, our Good Shepherd, cares for us just like the shepherds in the videos care for their sheep!
Give the kids in your church or home a clear path to walk through Holy Week with Jesus. This free, easy-to-use guide will help you:
Lead daily Bible readings that bring Scripture to life
Engage kids with hands-on activities and discussions
Use audio options for a simple way to reinforce learning
Make this Holy Week a time of real discipleship. Get your free guide today!