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Help your child memorize this week’s verse with this week’s Memory Melody video.


Memory Melody


Ask an adult to help you look up the word “Immanuel” in Hebrew. Many of the Israelites in the Old Testament communicated through the Hebrew language.

Copy the Hebrew spelling of Immanuel into your journal.

Remember, if you have trusted Christ as your Savior, He is with you.


Bake sugar cookies with your child! On half of the cookies, use icing to help your child write the letter J. On the other half, use icing to help them write the letter I. Explain that Isaiah prophesied Immanuel was coming. Immanuel is Jesus, God with us!

Find it in the Bible

This week’s story comes from the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is called a prophetic book. This book was written by the prophet Isaiah. God spoke to Isaiah, and Isaiah told God’s people what He said. This book includes prophecies that were fulfilled when Jesus came to Earth, and even prophecies about things yet to come when God restores all things!


Help your child find the book of Isaiah. Is this book in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters are there?


Dear Lord, Thank You for sending Your Son, Immanuel, to us. Thank You that Your promises always come true. I will remember this season is about celebrating You. Amen.


Mary and Joseph had to travel to reach the city of Bethlehem. Hide Mary and Joseph figurines in your house once a week and invite your child to search for them. On Christmas Day, hide a baby Jesus figurine with them for your child to find as a surprise.


Read Look up the following verses:

Exodus 3:12
Joshua 1:5
Isaiah 41:10
Matthew 28:20

What do these verses tell you about what it means for the Lord to be with you?

OT-NT Connection

Did you know the prophecy from Isaiah appears again in the New Testament? Read Matthew 1:18-25. 

Who did the angel share the news of Jesus with in this verse?
Before today’s conversation, did you know the birth of Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament?