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Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!
Form kids with lasting Christian faith with discipleship solutions for home, church and around the world.
Learn MoreInsights and leader-equipping resources for effective church and at-home discipleship, so that every child would follow Jesus faithfully no matter the culture or context.
Learn MoreAwana hosts a multitude of online and in-person events packed with invaluable information and unforgettable experiences to develop everyone called to the mission of child discipleship.
Learn MoreA global leader in child discipleship, Awana equips leaders to shape lasting faith, reaching more than 5 million kids in 68,000 churches across 135 countries.
Learn MoreAnswers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!
Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sinned. Our sinful nature is a result of the fall. Sin is anything we think, say or do that disobeys God. Often sin is our desire to be in charge — to be in control and create our own rules. Sin usually begins with our attitudes, which then turn into our actions. Sin causes separation between us and God.
Sometimes you might feel like you want to give up. Maybe it’s because you are sad or discouraged, or perhaps it’s because you feel like you’ve messed up big-time. This is a difficult feeling, but we can remember there is hope! God loves you because He made you, not because of what you do or don’t do. Sometimes the wrong things we do have terrible consequences, just like they did for Adam and Eve. You can talk to God about this! Say you’re sorry for anything you’ve done that was wrong and ask God to help you figure out what to do next. You can have hope and remember God still loves us and provides the way through Jesus for us to start again from wherever we are.
When God created us, He gave us the ability to make choices. He didn’t want us to be robots, so He gave us the ability to think, feel and make decisions. We could choose to trust Him, or we could choose to trust ourselves and go our own way. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden, they chose to disobey God. But God is gracious and offers us forgiveness when we sin. “Grace” means God gives us good things, even when we do nothing to deserve it! 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. God showed us grace when He sent Jesus Christ to Earth to save sinners!
We can’t fix our sin on our own, but God’s Big Story isn’t over yet! Next week, we’ll learn how God sent Jesus to rescue us from sin and restore our broken relationship with Him!