More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: 1 Corinthians

This week’s story comes from the book of 1 Corinthians. 1 Corinthians is an epistle, or letter. The book was written by the missionary Paul.


This letter encourages the Corinthians to live for Christ. It also contains the famous chapter about love.

OT–NT Connection

In the Old Testament, the prophet Hosea wrote about Israel rising on the third day. Paul references Old Testament prophecy in 1 Corinthians 15 when he says, “according to the Scriptures.” Look up and read Hosea 6:2.


Who in the New Testament physically died and rose again on the third day?
Why is the Gospel of Jesus good news for all people?

How can I know I am truly saved?

God’s Word says you need to believe Jesus died for your sins, was buried and rose again. Anyone who believes this and asks Jesus to be their Savior will be saved. God always keeps His promises. If the Bible says that’s all we need to do to be saved, we can trust that’s true.

Is salvation available to everyone?

Yes! The book of Romans tells us salvation is available to anyone who believes. (Romans 1:16) Anyone can ask Jesus to forgive their sins and accept Him as their Savior.


Imagine you lived during Paul’s time  and heard the Gospel for the first time. Create a newspaper title or an article that shares the good news that Jesus died for our sins and rose again, and that salvation is free to all who believe!