More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Psalms

Psalms is a book in the Old Testament that was written as poetry and used by the people of Israel like a songbook of praise to God.


In fact, part of Psalm 96 was sung by King David and the Israelites in 1 Chronicles 16, when the ark of the covenant was returned to Jerusalem (verses 23-33).

OT–NT Connection

OT-NT Connection Psalm 96:1 tells the whole earth to sing to the Lord. Even Jesus talks about rocks crying out in praise. Read Luke 19:37-40 and Psalm 19:1.


Can things that are not alive, like the sky or rocks, actually sing praise to God?
What might the psalmist and Jesus be trying to say about worship?
How does creation “declare” the glory of God?

Why does worship matter?

God doesn’t NEED our worship. He is complete without us. But we were created for His glory (Isaiah 43:6-7) and to praise Him (Isaiah 43:21). Here are several reasons why we should worship God.


1. God is worthy of our worship (1 Chronicles 16:25-27). He is the only One Who is. He created everything (Revelation 4:11), is right in all He does (Psalm 99:2-5) and faithful to us in every situation (Psalm 100:1-5).


2. Worship is our response to His goodness to us (Psalm 13:6). We do not deserve His goodness. In light of everything He has done for us, we must praise Him!


3. Our worship points people to Jesus so others may also live to glorify God (Matthew 5:16).

How is the earth supposed to sing praise to God?

When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, creation (every continent, ocean, plant and animal) was cursed. Natural disasters, food shortages and extreme weather are all examples of the result of sin’s effect on the world. Sin’s curse literally causes it to groan in pain (Romans 8).


But when people acknowledge God as the King of their life, creation rejoices. (Psalm 96:11-13, 98:7-9). If humans do not praise God, Jesus tells us the rocks will cry out (Luke 19:40)! Let’s use our voices to praise God. 


Consider writing a “new song” of praise to God. Brainstorm ways He’s shown His goodness to your family. Write out those thoughts as a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord. Try putting the words to a melody you already know or make something up as you go. Don’t expect to write an award-winning song; just focus on your family’s response to God’s goodness and grace.