Today’s children are in a faith crisis, growing up in a very different world – a post-Christian world – compared to the one that formed our own childhood and beliefs. Amidst the noise of apps and social media, the rise of secularism in our culture, and the daily micro-choices each child makes to decide where they will root their identity, it’s very likely the truth of God’s Word and the saving grace of the Gospel are being drowned out. You have an opportunity to make a difference in their lives when you give to Awana.
Giving Tuesday Match
On Giving Tuesday, Nov. 30, the nationally recognized day of charitable giving, we invite you to give a gift to Awana and bring the Gospel and lifelong discipleship to kids in a faith crisis. Through the generosity of a devoted Awana partner, every gift given online during Giving Tuesday will be matched up to $7,500! That means your gift of $25 becomes $50. Your gift of $100 becomes $200 and $250, $500.
The 4-14 Window
According to Barna Group, a well-known Christian research firm, the spiritual beliefs of children are mostly formed by their pre-teen years. We’ve also learned that the ages of 4 to 14 represent the window of time where people are most open to accepting the truth of the Gospel.
In the U.S. alone, roughly 4 million kids turn 15 each year, exiting the most receptive 4-14 Window in which to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. We know God continues to draw people to Him throughout their lifetime, but these statistics reveal the importance of experiencing child discipleship, rooted in God’s Word, at a young age. Awana is discipling more than 4 million children between the ages of 2 and 18 around the world. But we can’t continue to do this without you!
Learn What Awana is Doing
Awana President and CSO Matt Markins and Awana CEO Valerie Bell will share a special message for Giving Tuesday at 10 a.m. CT to explain how Awana is reaching kids in today’s shifting cultural landscape.
Thank you for being open to how God is calling you to give your best gift this Giving Tuesday, and for bringing the Gospel and lifelong discipleship to more children worldwide.
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