More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: 2 Samuel

This week’s story comes from the book of 2 Samuel. 2 Samuel is called a historical book of the Bible. We don’t know who wrote this book.


1 and 2 Samuel introduces us to the first kings of Israel and the line of David, from which Jesus, God’s Son, would come.

OT–NT Connection

Many years after God’s promise to king David, an angel named Gabriel visited a young girl named Mary. Read Luke 1:31-33 to learn more.


What did the angel tell Mary that God also told king David?
What did you learn about God’s promises this week?

Did Jesus exist before He was born as a human on Earth?

In the book of John, chapter 1, we learn Jesus, God the Son, was with God when He created the world. Before Jesus came to Earth as a baby He lived in heaven with God. Read John 1:1-4. Anytime you see the word “Word” in this passage, it is referring to Jesus, God’s Son.

How can I discern God’s calling for my life?

David was a shepherd, but God chose David to be a king. God calls all of His followers to spread the good news of Jesus. (Matthew 28:16-20) As far as knowing what kind of job you should do, talk to God about it! Study His Word (Psalm 119:105) and ask Him to guide you (Proverbs 3:5-6).


In your journal, make a list of five different jobs you think you’d enjoy doing when you’re older. As time passes, revisit that list and pray over the options you wrote down. Ask God to open your heart to how you can serve Him with your life today.