More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Matthew

This week’s story comes from the book of Matthew.

Matthew is the first of four books known as the Gospels. The author of this book is likely Matthew, the tax collector who became a follower of Jesus. The book of Matthew gives readers a perspective on the life of Jesus and confirms Him as the Messiah.

OT–NT Connection

The Pentateuch is the first five books of the Bible. These books — Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy — contain the Law that God gave to the Israelites. The Law gave us the standard of holiness that God required of His people. God demanded perfection from them but also provided a way to restore His relationship with them through sacrifices and offerings when that standard was not met.

How do I not want to be perfect like everyone on social media?

It is easy to believe that what you see on social media is something you need to live up to. The truth is, what you see isn’t reality. The people who look perfect are just as flawed as you. If you are feeling pressured to be perfect, take a break! Spend time with friends, read your Bible or listen to worship music. Remember who God says you are and who He wants you to be; that is the real reality!

Doesn’t following God’s laws in the Bible make me perfect?

If you never sinned you would be perfect; but since everyone sins, no one can keep God’s law perfectly. A better question is, “Is your goal to do all the right things or to become more like Jesus?” We can never be perfect on our own. Following God’s law is important; but spending time with God, learning about Him and living how He wants us to live helps us to become more like Jesus.


Jesus warns us to not be hypocrites. Read Matthew 23:27-28. How have you tried to look perfect and righteous in front of others? Write a prayer asking God to help you not be fake in what you do and say.