More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Acts

This week’s story comes from the book of Acts. Acts is the only book of its kind in the New Testament and is not grouped with any other books. It tells the story of the earliest Christians.


The book is written by the physician Luke and picks up where the book of Luke left off.


Acts introduces readers to the missionary Paul and shares how the Gospel spread to other countries.

OT–NT Connection

In Acts 4:11-12, Paul declares Jesus is the only way to be saved and references the Old Testament. Read Psalm 118:22-29 to learn what Old Testament verses Paul connects to Jesus.


What two things are mentioned in both the Old Testament and New Testament? (Hint: Look at Acts 4:11 and Psalm 118:22.) Jesus is the cornerstone! Have you decided to accept Jesus as your Savior?

Why is it important to share the Gospel with other people?

Jesus tells His followers in Matthew 28 to share the Gospel with other people. When we share the Gospel, people learn about the only way to heaven and can come to know Jesus!

What if I share my faith with someone and they still don’t want Jesus?

While we are called to share the good news about Jesus with other people, we are not responsible for their decision. That’s what God does. Every person must decide for themselves whether they want to follow Jesus. But anyone who chooses to believe in Him will be saved! (John 3:16)


Ask an adult to help you find a lock and key that go together. Take a close look at the grooves in the key and the entrance to the lock. Only one key will open the lock.


Think about how Jesus is the only way to heaven. Now think about how important it is to share your faith with people who don’t know Jesus.


Trace the key in your journal as a reminder that Jesus is the only way to heaven.