More to Explore
Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!

How can I use my spiritual gifts to serve in my church?
Start with the Word. 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4 and Romans 12 outline the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Read through these Scriptures, asking the Lord to highlight what you are naturally good at, what areas of ministry you love the most and what types of service brings you joy.
Try something new! Much can be discovered about your spiritual gifts through trial and error, and by taking a learning-by-doing approach to ministry in your local church.

Why is it important that we work together in the family of God?
1 Corinthians 12 hilariously compares the family of God to a physical body and considers how ridiculous it is to question the purpose or position of the parts God used to make that body work. A body cannot be made up of all ears or eyes and hope to function as God intended. So it is with the Church. God has placed each person in the local church with a specific purpose and function (1 Corinthians 12:18). When everyone does their part, the body works well and to God’s glory in that community.

How do I love God’s family when they have hurt me?
(This question and answer are primarily for the caregiver.)
You may have been disappointed or let down by someone in your local church and need to navigate the pain of this disappointment. We all struggle with sin and don’t always treat people the way we should, but reconciliation is possible with Jesus’ help. Matthew 18:15-20 tells us what to do when we are hurt by one of our brothers or sisters in Christ. Every effort should be made to forgive (Matthew 6:14-15, 18:21-22), make the relationship right again, and move forward in unity and love. When others fail us we can remember Jesus never fails us or lets us down.
Note: In situations of danger or abuse, it is important to seek help to ensure the physical and emotional safety of each congregant, and bring responsible parties to appropriate accountability.