This week’s verse comes from the book of John. John is the last of four books known as the Gospels. The book is written by the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. The book of John tells about the miracles or signs of Jesus.
More To Explore
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OT–NT Connection
God’s love for us is described throughout the Bible. The Old Testament book of Psalms talks about God’s steadfast love.
Let’s read about it in Psalm 36:5-6.
What does verse 5 say about God’s steadfast love?
Have you ever doubted God’s love for you? What have you learned about God’s love for you that can help put your doubts to rest?
I know God demonstrated His love for me by sending Jesus, but does He demonstrate He loves me in other ways?
Yes! Think about all the ways God cares for you every day. Matthew 6:26-34 reminds us not to be anxious about our needs because God will take care of us. Also think about how He answers our prayers. Whether it’s a yes, no or maybe, we can trust God will work things out for our good. (Romans 8:28)
Is God’s love for me based on what I do?
No! Remember, we cannot earn our way to heaven. We could never be “good enough” to pay for our sin. Instead, in God’s great love, He sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world on our behalf. God offers His gift of salvation freely; all we have to do is accept it. (Romans 5:8) His love for you is not based on what you can do for Him or for anyone else.
Gather paper and either pencils or markers and draw a picture of the world. Find a Bible concordance and use it to look up verses about God’s love. Write a verse reference on each continent.
Look up the word “abide.” Then, read John 15:1-11 to learn more about how you can abide in God’s love.