More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Acts

This week’s story comes from the book of Acts. Acts is the only book of its kind in the New Testament and is not grouped with any other books.


The book is written by the physician Luke, and picks up where the book of Luke left off.


Acts introduces readers to the missionary Paul and shares how the Gospel spread to other countries.

OT–NT Connection

Even before Christ came to Earth in the New Testament, people from the Old Testament looked forward to a Savior who could save them from sin. Let’s take a closer look at the passage the Ethiopian official was reading. Look up Isaiah 53.


Who is the suffering servant described in this chapter?
Why is it important to tell people about Jesus?

What if I’m scared to tell someone about Jesus?

Many people have felt scared to share the Gospel, but the Bible instructs us to tell people about Jesus. (Matthew 28:19-20) Even in scary situations, we can trust God will take care of us and supply all our needs. Pray and ask God to give you the courage to obey Him and share the Gospel.

What if the person I want to share the Gospel with has heard it before?

Just because someone has heard about Jesus, it doesn’t mean they’ve accepted God’s gift of salvation. Some people need to hear about Jesus many times before they decide to follow Him. If God is telling you to share about Jesus with someone, obey Him.


Have you ever shared the good news of the Gospel with someone? What happened? In your journal, write down what your experience was like. Pray for the person you shared the Gospel with.


If you haven’t told anyone about Jesus yet, write down some people you would like to tell and plan to talk to them! Pray for them.