Help your child learn their verse by watching this week’s Memory Melody video!
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!
Memory Melody
Memory Melody
Pour two small glasses of water for your child. In one of the glasses, add a tablespoon of salt. Ask your child to try both glasses of water and tell you which one has salt in it. Just like the salty water stands out, God wants Christians to stand out to the world. We should live wisely and make good use of the time God gives us!
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
Coloring Sheet
Dear Lord, thank You for sending Your Son to save the world. Please help me to live wisely and make good use of the time You’ve given me. Please help me to be seasoned with salt so people will see Jesus’ love in my actions. Amen.
Has anyone ever noticed you were different because of your faith in Christ? Share with your child what happened.
Listen to this playlist and worship Jesus Christ, Who is above all!
2023 Above All Playlist
Ask everyone to put on their shoes and go for a walk! Talk about what it means to walk in God’s wisdom. Ask your children to share one way they can make wise decisions at school every day.
This week’s verse is found in the book of Colossians. Help your child find the book of Colossians. Is this book in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters are there?
Paul says Christians should behave differently from the world. That makes us stand out. Ask your child what they would say if someone asked them why they loved Jesus.