More To Explore

Print off this week's "More to Explore" sheet and use it all week!


More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Colossians

This week’s story comes from the book of Colossians. Colossians is an epistle, or letter. This letter lists both Paul and Timothy as its authors. It was written to Christians in Colossae, and it stresses Christ’s power over all things.

OT–NT Connection

Jesus is above all. Some people think Jesus first came into being as a baby in the New Testament, but that is not so. Jesus is God, part of the Trinity. He has always existed. Read Genesis 1:26. 


How does God refer to Himself? (This is a hint of the Trinity- found all the way back in Genesis 1!)
Why is it important that Jesus has always existed?

How were all things created through Jesus if He didn’t come to Earth until the New Testament?

While Jesus came to Earth as a baby in the New Testament, Jesus is part of the Trinity. He has always existed! John 1:1-3 talks about Jesus (the Word) becoming man, and that Jesus is God. God has always existed.


Check out this week’s OT-NT Connection for more information.

Why is Jesus above all things?

God’s Word tells us Jesus is above all things. (Philippians 2:9-11). Jesus is not part of creation; He is God, the Creator. Everything in this universe was created to bring Him glory. He is the Savior of the world and the only one Who could take on the penalty of our sins and offer us eternal life. (2 Corinthians 5:21) No one and nothing else is like Him.


In order to do this activity, you’ll need to do the Read activity first. Take a look at the list of things you wrote down about Jesus. When you read your list, what do you think about? Open your journal and draw a picture, write a poem or simply write a prayer to God that focuses on how Jesus is above all things.