More to Explore

Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!

What does it mean to be a Christian?

Jesus came into this world to save sinners. He offers salvation, rescuing us from our sin, to everyone who trusts in Him as their Savior. People who trust Jesus Christ as their Savior are called Christians.

Trust: When you trust in Jesus for salvation it means you are saved from sin only by what Jesus has done, not by anything you could do on your own (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Grow: As a Christian, you are on a journey of growing in love for God and His Word, the Bible. This relationship you have with God makes a difference in every part of your life. When you are a Christian, you should value your relationship with God and show love to Him by obeying His Word (John 14:15) and loving others as He loves us (John 13:34).

If Jesus defeated death, why do people still die?

When Jesus, our perfect Messiah, died on the cross, He defeated death. But people around us still die. If you’ve lost a friend or loved one, you know how sad death is. Unfortunately, we live in an imperfect world that still has sin and death. But if we read to the end of the Bible, we learn that death is not the end. Jesus promises to come back and make everything right again. He promises death won’t be the end for those who have a relationship with Him.

How do we know Jesus is the Messiah?

Jesus is the Messiah. In fact, the word “Christ” in Greek, the language of the New Testament, is equivalent to “Messiah” in Hebrew, the language of the Old Testament. When Jesus came to Earth, He fulfilled many of the Messianic prophecies. The Old Testament predicted His birth, life and death. Think about all the ways Jesus fulfilled Scripture! He was born in Bethlehem to a virgin. He was a member of David’s family. He performed miracles, was led like a king through Jerusalem on a donkey and was pierced at His crucifixion.

Just before Jesus went up to heaven after his crucifixion, He told His followers they would not know the time or season when He would return to set up His earthly kingdom. As His followers watched Him ascend into heaven, two angels told them Jesus would return in the same way He left. When Jesus, our Messiah, returns, all prophecies will be fulfilled.

How was Jesus fully God and fully man?

Jesus came to Earth as a human being like us. He ate food, spent time with His family, rested when He was tired and even felt sad when His friends were hurting. Jesus died and was buried, just like everyone else. He was fully man. But after Jesus paid the price of our sin by dying on the cross, He came back to life, and a few days later went up into heaven. This proved Jesus was also fully God.

Since Jesus is fully God, He was without sin and qualified to pay the price for our sin. Since He was fully man, His could offer his life as a substitute payment for all of humanity’s sin.

Even More!

  • Read Isaiah 53 and think about the many ways Jesus' life, death and resurrection fulfilled Scripture!