More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Romans

This week’s story comes from the book of Romans. Romans is an epistle, or letter. The book was written by the missionary Paul.


In this letter, Paul writes to the Romans and presents a detailed explanation of the Gospel.

OT–NT Connection

God was with His people in the Old Testament too. He has always promised His presence to His children when they need Him.


God is for us when we face enemies (Psalm 56:9).
God is on our side so we don’t need to fear (Psalm 118:6).
God goes before us, is with us and will never leave us (Deuteronomy 31:8).

What do I do when I’m left out because I believe in Jesus?

God knows this will happen. Standing up for God’s truth requires courage and may have consequences. But, even then, God is with us. Jesus said we will be blessed, and our reward will be great in heaven when we suffer for Him. That doesn’t make it easier, but standing up for God’s truth is an important part of being a follower of Jesus.

Is it a sin to feel lonely?

When God created humans, He created each of us to have emotions. Having emotions in the way we do is one thing that separates us from the rest of God’s creation. It is necessary to feel our feelings. But we  shouldn’t let our emotions dictate what we do or say. We need to be controlled by the Holy Spirit, not by our emotions.


Read Romans 8:31-39. Write down the questions Paul asks. Does one of the questions stand out to you? Write a prayer asking God to help you believe what He has told us in His Word.