
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!


Week Sheet

Memory Melody

Help your child learn their verse by watching this week’s Memory Melody video!


Memory Melody

Serve Together

God can use your family to encourage others. Call an assisted living center to set up an appointment to visit with men and women who may not get visitors and are feeling lonely. Or talk with your pastor and get names of people in your church who are shut-ins. Share your memory verse with the people you visit, tell them Jesus loves them  and pray with them.


Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!


Coloring Sheet


Dear God, thank You that You are with us when we feel alone. Help us to remember Who You are and what You have done when we feel sad or lonely. Amen


Tell your child about a time when you felt lonely or left out. What did you do? How did knowing God was with you help you?


Listen to this playlist throughout the series as you learn that God loves us and is with us.


2023 Treasure Playlist

God is with Me A to Z

With your child, go through the alphabet taking turns to name a place where God is with you and that begins with each letter. Ask your child which place they need help remembering God is with them. Pray together that God would help each of you remember He is with you no matter what.

Daily Reminder

Every day as your child leaves your car or house to go to school or an activity, tell them, “God loves you and is with you always!” Have your child answer back, “If God is for me, who can be against me?”