More To Explore

Print off this week's "More to Explore" sheet and use it all week!


More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Luke

This week’s story comes from the book of Luke. Luke is one of the four Gospels and is the third book in the New Testament. It was written so all would know Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.

OT–NT Connection

When Jesus rose from the dead and visited the disciples, they thought He was a ghost! But the Old Testament promised a chosen Savior of the world, and Jesus showed the disciples He was that Savior! Read Luke 24:44-47.


What is one Old Testament reference Jesus made in these verses?
Why are you thankful Jesus made salvation available to ANYONE who believes?

Why would Jesus choose to die for my sins when He had never sinned?

Jesus knew He was the only One who could save humanity from the curse of sin. He lived a perfect, sinless life; submitted Himself to God the Father’s will; and chose to sacrifice Himself to save us from sin. (Luke 22:42) This is a love so great we humans struggle to understand it. John 15:9 says Jesus loves us just like God the Father loves Him.

How can I accept Jesus’s gift of salvation?

The Bible is very clear on this. All you have to do is believe. Acts 16:31 says: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved. …” Believe Jesus died and rose again to pay the penalty for the sins you committed. Accept Him as your Savior. Know only He can forgive your sins. It’s not about what we can do; it’s about what Jesus already did.


In your journal or a notebook, create a timeline of the events that took place between Palm Sunday and Jesus rising from the grave. Write down some of these events on dyed Easter eggs.


Ask an adult if they can hide the eggs around your house or yard for you to find. Once they are all found, help your family arrange the eggs in the order the events occurred.