Talk Together
Family conversations with God’s Word.
What is your favorite thing about Easter? It’s easy to think about candy flavors or Easter egg hunts, but Easter has a far greater meaning. Easter reminds us of the chosen Savior, Jesus.
Jesus’s arrival on Earth changed the world forever. A week before His death, people celebrated Him while He rode through the streets on a donkey. But the night before His death, His disciples followed him to a garden where He prayed. Jesus knew something terrible was about to happen.
Jesus, the perfect Son of God, knew He would soon die on the cross. This was a horrible way to die. Most people would have done anything to escape this fate; but Jesus told His Father, “not my will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42)
Every step that brought Jesus closer to death brought us closer to life. Jesus could do what no one else could: pay for our sins and offer us eternal life.
Our sinless Savior died in our place, but the story of Jesus doesn’t end on the cross. If it had, we would have no reason to celebrate Easter. Thankfully, Jesus’ story was far from over.
Take a moment to learn more about Jesus’ death and resurrection. Read Luke 23:32-46 and Luke 24:1-9.
Three days after Jesus died and was buried, two women visited Jesus’ tomb. When they reached it, the ground shook from an earthquake! An angel, wearing clothes white as snow, appeared like a flash of lightning! He rolled a heavy boulder away from the tomb’s entrance, but Jesus’ body was not there. Then the angel said these words: “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” (Matthew 28:5-6)
What would you think after hearing the news that Jesus was alive? Imagine their excitement when people heard Jesus rose from the dead! Jesus, God’s chosen Savior, defeated sin and death!
Jesus came from Abraham’s family, was a descendant of King David and was preached about by the chosen messenger, John the Baptist. He made salvation from sin available to ANYONE who believes.
He is the King worthy of all our praise, the Messiah promised from ancient times, the perfect sacrifice to save us from our sins: Jesus Christ.