
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!


Week Sheet

Memory Melody

Watch this week’s Memory Melody video with your kids to memorize this week’s verse!


Memory Melody


We can share the Good News of Jesus with our friends and family! Invite a friend to church on Easter Sunday.


Here are a couple of ideas:

– Make them a card that’s Easter themed.

– Send them a text with a special greeting.


Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!


Coloring Sheet


Dear Jesus, thank You for not only dying on the cross for my sins but also rising again so I can be saved! You suffered greatly on my behalf. Thank You for Your never-ending love for me. I love You. Amen.


How did you celebrate Easter as a child? Tell your child about some of your family’s Easter traditions. Next, ask your child to help you think of a new family tradition that celebrates Jesus.


Listen to this playlist to praise God for our Savior Jesus Christ!


2023 Chosen Playlist


This week’s verse is found in the book of Hebrews. Help your child find the book of Hebrews. Is this book in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters are there?


The cross was originally a symbol of death, but Jesus defeated the cross when He rose from the dead!



– Paper plate

– Glue

– Pencil

– Dried rice or macaroni noodles

– Cinnamon


Outline a cross on a paper plate. Help your child fill the cross by gluing dried rice or macaroni noodles inside the outline. Once it’s dry, drizzle glue on the cross and sprinkle cinnamon on the glue to color it brown like wood.