More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Matthew

This week’s story comes from the book of Matthew. Matthew is the first of four books known as the Gospels.


The author of this book is likely Matthew, the tax collector who became a follower of Jesus.


The book of Matthew gives readers a perspective on the life of Jesus and confirms Him as the Messiah.

Why is it important to be baptized in water?

When a disciple of Jesus chooses to follow His example by being baptized in water, they’re publicly telling people they have decided to follow Jesus.

Baptism is a physical action that represents a spiritual change in someone’s heart. It reminds us of Jesus’ burial and resurrection. When a believer in Jesus is immersed in water, it represents the death of their old life apart from Jesus. When they are raised out of the water, it represents their new life in Jesus.

As a disciple of Jesus, we should be obedient and follow His example of water baptism.

Why are people baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?

When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist in chapter three of Matthew, the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) was present. In chapter 28 of Matthew, Jesus tells His disciples to baptize His followers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We are baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit (the Trinity) because they are equal persons of the God we serve. God is Father, Son AND Holy Spirit. One God in three distinct person, yet equal in their deity. They have always been and always will be. They do not need anything or anyone else. They make the same decisions, have the same understanding and act for the same purpose.


Use a journal to write down and keep track of your prayer requests. On one page, create a list of people in your life who need to know Jesus better. Pray for these people daily. Ask God to give you opportunities and wisdom to share Jesus’ love with them.


Read Luke’s account of Jesus’ final moments with His disciples in Luke 24:36-53 and Acts 1:1-11. Then, take a moment to read about the Holy Spirit in chapter two of Acts. This marks the beginning of the early church and the first act of obedience to Jesus’ command in Matthew 28:19.

How were disciples made of all nations in Acts 2?
What was the result of the disciples’ obedience?
What can you learn from this true story and use in your own life?