Watch this week’s Memory Melody video with your kids to memorize this week’s verse!
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!
Memory Melody
Memory Melody
Erase Gather a piece of paper, eraser and pencil. Show your child that the piece of paper is clean. Very lightly write the word “sin.” on it. Explain the paper is no longer clean and that is what sin does to our lives. Then, erase the word “sin.” Only God can completely forgive!
Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.
Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!
Coloring Sheet
Dear Lord, there is no one like You. You are the only one who can forgive my sin. Thank You for loving me and forgiving my sins. Amen.
Think back on a time when you were in desperate need of God’s forgiveness.
Share about the experience with your kids, including your journey to repentance and how you experienced God’s forgiveness.
Listen to this playlist throughout the series to praise God for His forgiveness!
Forgiven Playlist
Ask your child if they have personally accepted Jesus as their Savior. If not, invite them to do so.
Remind them that God’s children can ask Him to forgive their sins. Ask your child what things in their life they need to ask God to forgive. Take this opportunity to help them pray and ask God to forgive the sin in their life.
This week’s verse is in the book of Psalms. Help your child find the book of Psalms. Is this book in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters are there?
Make a model of Earth from blue and green clay. Explain that as followers of Christ, God removes our sin from us, as far as the east is from the west.