More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Psalms

This week’s story comes from the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and is a collection of songs, praises and poems speaking to or about God. King David wrote many Psalms, but today’s Psalm was written by Moses and is tied to the story of the Israelites found in Numbers 14.

OT–NT Connection

John, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples, lived his final years on the island of Patmos. While there, he received visions and a message from the Lord. He recorded what he saw in the book of Revelation. Read Revelation 1:4-8.


How is God defined in verses 4 and 8?
What do the terms “Alpha” and “Omega” mean?
Does it comfort you that God is eternal?

Where was Jesus before He was born and where did He go after He died?

John 1:1 says that in the beginning, the Word, or Jesus, was with God and was God. Jesus is eternal. He has no beginning or end, and has always been with God and the Holy Spirit in perfect unity.


When Jesus died on the cross, his lifeless body was placed in a tomb, but His spirit went to a place called Sheol (Acts 2:22-28, Psalm 16:10-11). God raised Him from the dead, joining body and spirit for a time on Earth. Then He ascended into heaven where He sits at the right hand of God (Acts 1:9-11, Hebrews 1:3).

Is Christmas kind of like Jesus’ birthday and Easter like His funeral?

Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, death on the cross and resurrection from the grave are actual historical events. But they are only one chapter in His eternal story! 


We celebrate Christmas and Easter to remind us of everything God has done for us through Jesus. But those days don’t represent a birthday or funeral in the same way we use those words to describe events on Earth. Humans have a beginning and an end. Jesus does not.


Write a poem or song of praise. Give thanks to God that He always was and always will be. Write about His involvement in human history and your family history. Tell God what you understand and ask Him for help with what you don’t.