This week’s story comes from the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and is a collection of songs, praises and poems speaking to or about God. The Psalms were written throughout the time period of the Old Testament, and many were written by King David.
More To Explore
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Find it in the Bible: Psalms
OT–NT Connection
Jesus’ brother James, a leader of the early church, has something to say about our plans and God’s will. Read James 4:13-15.
Is it wrong to make plans?
Who has control over the events of our life?
How should we approach our plans?
(Hint: What should we say BEFORE we make plans?)
When I grow up, can I do whatever I want?
God puts children in families under the authority of their parents (or guardians) who are called to teach them God’s Word and His ways (Ephesians 6:1-4).
When we grow up, we are no longer under our parents’ authority, but we have new responsibilities. While an adult may be able to make more decisions about their life than a child, they are still under the authority of God and His Word (Ephesians 5:22-33). God wants the best for us. We should obey Him at any age.
Why should I pray if God is in control and will do whatever He wants?
In Matthew 6, Jesus tells us to pray to God: “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” God’s will is what He pleases. It’s the way things should happen and the way things are supposed to be.
God does not always give us what we want, but He always gives us what is best and according to His will. When we pray, our will (the things we want) begins to reflect His will (the things He pleases).
First, write about something you can’t control that frustrates or upsets you.
Next, write a short prayer and ask God to help you with this situation.
God’s sovereignty covers every moment of our lives, from beginning to end. No matter what happens in life, we can be comforted by His attention and care for us.
Read Psalm 139, Psalm 90 and Romans 8:31-38. Think about what these passages of Scripture say about life and God’s sovereignty. What did you learn from these verses?