More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Psalms

This week’s story comes from the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and is a collection of songs, praises and poems speaking to or about God. The Psalms were written throughout the time period of the Old Testament, and many were written by King David.


When we don’t have words to pray or praise, the Psalms are a great place to find ideas. We can “borrow” the words of the psalmist to connect to God through worship and prayer.

OT–NT Connection

Names are an important part of who we are. There are many names for God in the Bible that tell us about Who God is. The most common are God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Read Revelation 1:4-8. Write down five names used to describe God. Hint: There are 14!


In Revelation 1:5, Jesus is defined as “the ruler of kings on earth.” We sometimes call Jesus the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. In Revelation 4:8 and 15:4, God is called holy. Why is it important that God is both holy and King?

Why doesn’t the psalmist compare God to a president?

Under normal circumstances, presidents are voted into office by their constituents (the people they will serve in office).


When the psalmist was writing, people were ruled by kings who inherited their thrones by birth (and sometimes took their kingdoms by force).


No earthly king can compare to our perfect, true King, but this idea helps us understand our relationship to God. We don’t vote on His rule. He rules because He is God. We worship and obey because we are His people.

Is anyone besides God perfect?

No! No one in heaven or on Earth is perfect except for God. There are some people who do really great things, but every person who has lived and will live has sinned. That’s why we all need Jesus. 1 Samuel 2:2 states: “There is none holy like the Lord.” Because God is holy, He deserves all our praise.


Consider how your relationship with the Lord compares to a king and his subject. Do you act like Jesus is your King? How can you faithfully serve Him? Write out your thoughts and share them with your family.