Talk Together

Family conversations with God’s Word.

Have you ever played the game “two truths and a lie”? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone is telling you the truth or a lie. But you don’t have to guess what is true when you read the Bible! Because God wrote the Bible, we know it is completely true and completely trustworthy.

In the book of Proverbs, God tells us all of His words are true. Let’s read about it in Proverbs chapter 30, verse 5. Proverbs is close to the center of the Old Testament.


Every word of God proves true; He is a shield to those who take refuge in Him. (Proverbs 30:5)

Even though it’s hard for us to speak true words all the time, this verse tells us every one of God’s words is true! When we read the Bible, we can trust what we are reading is exactly what God wanted to say. But that’s not the only way we know God’s Word is accurate. God also gave us modern-day proof of the accuracy of the Bible.

In the 1940s, a young shepherd boy tossed a rock into a cave and heard the sound of something shattering. When he went to see what broke, he found old clay jars; and inside them  were the first Dead Sea Scrolls.

But what are the Dead Sea Scrolls? A scroll is a long piece of parchment or papyrus used in ancient times to write on. These scrolls were rolled up and stored when they weren’t being read. Since these scrolls were found very close to a body of water called the Dead Sea, they are called the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls range from tiny fragments researchers have to piece together to complete scrolls. Amazingly, the scrolls found include copies of every book of the Old Testament, except Esther.

Some of these ancient scrolls were written more than 2,000 years ago (200-300 years before Jesus was born). Others were written about 100 years after Jesus’ birth. Even though they are very old, there are very few differences between today’s Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The Dead Sea Scrolls show us that God’s words have been protected and preserved over thousands of years and verify God’s Word is true. The events in the Bible really happened, and the people in the Bible really lived. Because the Bible is from God and God doesn’t make mistakes, God’s Word is completely trustworthy.


Have you ever heard someone say, “trust me”? What does it mean to trust someone?

We say someone is trustworthy when they are truthful and dependable. People aren’t always perfectly trustworthy and sometimes let us down. But God and His Word are completely trustworthy! They are reliable in every way. God’s Word is God’s very voice speaking to us. When we are struggling, afraid or unsure of what to do, God’s truth will encourage us and give us strength.

For thousands of years, faithful followers of God have worked hard to pass on His Word, knowing God authored the Scripture they have preserved and copied. They have wanted people such as you and me to have a trustworthy copy of God’s words to us. Can you help me find the book of 2 Timothy? Let’s read chapter 3, verse 16.


All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16)

“Breathed out by God” means every word of the Bible came from God. But He didn’t actually breathe them out as you or I breathe. God, the Holy Spirit, led men to write down His words to us. Because these men knew they were writing down God’s words, they handled them carefully and accurately, and we see proof of this when we find treasures like the Dead Sea Scrolls. When you read the Bible, you can be certain every word of God proves true.