Talk Together
Family conversations with God’s Word.
What is the best book you have ever read? We each have favorite books we enjoy reading. Some books are so good we read them again and again. But God’s Word, the Bible, is the only perfect book ever written!
The Bible is an extraordinary book. What makes God’s Word the best and most important book ever written? It is God’s message directly to each one of us. God doesn’t talk with us face to face, but He has given us His words in the Bible so we can know what God wants us to know.
Every one of the 66 books of the Bible was written with the very words of God, Himself! In the Bible, God tells us who He is, what He’s done, what He’s doing and what He will do. We learn who God created us to be. We learn about ourselves and who God wants us to become.
When the Bible was first written down, the books were written on scrolls made from either animal skin or papyrus, which grew by the Nile River. The scrolls had to be unrolled to be read. Can you imagine how many scrolls it would have taken to write down the entire book of Psalms?
But where did the Bible come from? Who do you think actually wrote it down?
God didn’t sit down one day and write the Bible the way you might sit down and write a letter to a friend. Instead, God chose around 40 different men to write down what He wanted to say in the Bible. The Holy Spirit told those men what He wanted them to write, and they wrote down the words exactly the way God wanted them to, without any mistakes or errors. Most of these men never met one another. They lived at different times and in different places. In fact, it took over 1,500 years to write the whole Bible.
Some of the men God used were wealthy; others were poor. Some had gone to school; others did not. The jobs these men had varied between shepherd, king, farmer, doctor, tax collector, priest, fisherman, government leaders and more! Even so, we can be confident the Bible is from God.
Can you help me find 2 Peter in the Bible? The book 2 Peter is in the back of the New Testament and was written by Peter, one of Jesus’ disciples. Let’s read chapter 1, verses 20 and 21.
Knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone’s own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Peter 1:20-21)
Prophecy, or messages from God, did not come from the writer’s imagination or interpretation. A man did not create the Bible. Instead, men wrote the words God led them to write. Sometimes we see the writer’s personality in their writing. But it’s important to remember that nothing they wrote came from their imagination. God is the divine author and uses His words in the Bible to give us everything we need to know about Him. God’s voice speaks to us through a person’s writing.
Since God told the men what to write, it is important to remember that reading the Bible is like reading a letter from God, telling us everything He wants us to know about Him. The Bible is God’s direct message to us; and even though men wrote these words down, they are just as important as if He said them out loud to our face. We need to listen to what He is saying to us!