More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Psalms

Today’s verses come from the book of Psalms. The book of Psalms is in the Old Testament and each psalm was written during the time period of the Old Testament. The psalms were written by multiple people and are a collection of songs, prayers and poems speaking to or about God.

OT–NT Connection

Wisdom is not just talked about in the Old Testament. What does the New Testament have to say about wisdom?

We should pray for wisdom for ourselves (James 1:5)

We should encourage each other with wisdom (Colossians 3:16)

We can ask God to give wisdom to others (Colossians 1:9)

How do I know if the decisions I make are wise?

Wise decisions align with God’s character, God’s heart and God’s mission. If something looks more like the world than God, it is probably not a wise choice. One example from the Bible is found in James 3:17. It says that godly wisdom is peace-loving, gentle, reasonable, willing to listen, full of compassion and  unwavering in commitment to God.

Who wrote the book of Psalms?

The book of Psalms has multiple authors. Many of them were written by David. Psalm 90, where your memory verse is found, is a prayer written by Moses. This is the same Moses who wrote the first five books of the Bible. God used Moses to rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. God also gave Moses the Ten Commandments.


Make a list of the ways you spent your time this week. What activities did you have to do? How much time do you spend at school? How much time did you spend on a screen? Looking at how you spent your time, how many of those things helped you to gain wisdom? How much time did you waste on things that don’t matter?


Take a moment to look again at Psalm 90. Read verses 1-2 and verses 8-17. Notice how Moses begins by praising God, saying that He is both eternal and the Creator of everything. How does Moses end his prayer? Think about your life and talk with your parent about how God has shown Himself to your family. Then pray and ask God to help each of you spend your time wisely.