
Print off the "Thru-the-Week Sheet" and use it all week!


Week Sheet

Memory Melody

Watch this week’s Memory Melody video with your kids to memorize this week’s verse!


Memory Melody

This or That

Make a list of five wise choices and five poor choices. For example, make a treat for a friend (good), watch two hours of TV (poor). Ask your child, “Would you choose (fill in with a wise choice) or (fill in with a poor choice)?” Talk about why your child chose what they did and what they think God would want them to choose.


Help your child memorize this week’s question, answer and verse.

Print off this week’s coloring page that includes the question, answer and verse!


Coloring Sheet


Dear God, thank You for creating me and being my God. Thank You for my life. God help me to show others Who You are and use my time wisely to do the work You created me to do.


Tell your child one way you feel God wants you to use your time more wisely. How will you do it?


Listen to this playlist throughout the series as you learn to follow Jesus more closely.


2023 Looking for Likes Playlist


This week’s verse is in the book of Psalms. Help your child find the book of Psalms. Is this book in the Old or New Testament? How many chapters are there?

Take a Walk

Take a walk with your child. As you walk, come up with ideas of how your family can spend their time more wisely. What needs to change to make that happen?