More To Explore

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More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: Proverbs

This week’s story comes from the book of Proverbs. Proverbs is one of several books that fall under the category of poetry and wisdom. At least part of the book was written by Solomon, the wisest man to ever live. This book shares with its readers wisdom for godly living.

OT–NT Connection

The New Testament book of Colossians shares the importance of using wisdom when speaking to people. Our speech should show others Jesus is our Savior! Read Colossians 4:5-6.


What kind of speech should we be using? (Hint: It begins with a G.)


Think about a person who is really difficult to be around. How can you use gracious speech around them?

Does a calm response mean I have to agree with someone who says bad things?

No! It takes courage to stand up to people who say things against God and His Word. But you can still use wisdom to guide your response. Ephesians 4:15 instructs Christians to speak the truth in love.

How can I choose wise words when I’m really upset?

That’s a great question. Choosing wise words when we are angry is really hard. When you are upset, take a moment to calm down before you speak. Then, ask God to give you wisdom and help you choose words that bring calm.


Draw a picture of fire on one page of your journal, and water on another page. On the fire page write, “Foolish Words.” On the water page write, “Wise Words.” Throughout the week, put a checkmark on the water page when you remember to use wise words and on the fire page when you forget and use foolish words. Ask God to help you choose wise words when you speak.