Today’s story comes from the book of Mark. Mark is one of the four Gospels and is the second book in the New Testament. Mark was written by John Mark, an early missionary who wrote this book so we could understand the ministry and mission of Jesus.
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OT–NT Connection
People talked to God through prayer in the Old Testament too! In 1 Samuel, a woman named Hannah prayed to God and asked Him for a child. Read 1 Samuel 1:10-20 to see how God answered her.
How did God answer Hannah’s prayer?
Do you have anything you need to ask God about? Talk to Him about it today through prayer!
What do I do when life doesn’t match what I pray for?
The book of Psalms is full of prayers and songs of people crying out to God. They don’t hold back when they are feeling frustrated, discouraged or afraid. But an amazing thing happens when we pour out our hearts to God; He starts to change our hearts to want what He wants above all else. Submitting to God’s will and perfect plan, and trusting that God’s ways are perfect, is an act of obedience God calls us to.
Can I really trust God when I pray?
To really trust someone you need to know that person, who they are and what their character is like. Because the Bible tells us God is good, He loves us, and His plans and ways are perfect, we can be confident that we can trust Him when we pray. James 1:17 tells us every good and perfect gift is from God who never changes. If you are struggling with this concept, ask God to help you be honest with Him.
If you could ask for anything, what would your top three wishes be? Write them down. It is fun to imagine, but have you ever thought about the top things God wants for you? Now, read through 1 Thessalonians 3:11-12. How is your wish list different from what Paul prayed for the Thessalonians?
When we don’t know what to pray, we can pray Scripture. Read through Colossians 1:9-14. What does Paul pray for the Colossian church? Is there a phrase that stands out that you can commit to pray?