More to Explore

Answers to real-life questions and even more Scripture to explore!

How can I obey Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 28? I’m only a kid!

Jesus told the disciples to go to all nations and share the Gospel, the good news about Jesus’ forgiveness, with everyone! You may be just a kid, but you can share the Gospel, too! You can share the good news of Jesus’ gift of salvation with anyone – whether they live next door, in another town or in a country far from you!

*Parents, if you would like to help your children understand the Gospel, check out the God’s Big Story series! 

How can I learn more about the family of God?

Pick a country to learn about and pray over for the next week.
Learn about the country’s:

  1. Religious beliefs
  2. Goods and services (what the country produces and/or sells globally)
  3. Government
  4. History, culture and/or tradition
  5. Economy
  6. Food
  7. People group

How can I pray for the family of God?

You can pray for God to take care of the BIG family of God, just like you pray for the family members you live with. Here are some things you can pray about:

  1. Change people’s hearts to come to faith in Jesus Christ.
  2. Make print, web, radio and television media effective in reaching people who are far from God.
  3. Guide the country’s leaders to make good decisions for its people.
  4. Strengthen the family of God, His Church, in that part of the world.
  5. Provide for the country’s poor, widowed, orphaned and disadvantaged.
  6. Make the Word of God available in the country’s common language and accessible to the whole population.
  7. Send men and women who will boldly teach the people about Jesus.
  • Even more Scripture to explore!