Talk Together
Family conversations with God’s Word.
Have you ever seen a video of a firefighter putting out a fire? When fires get out of hand in the forest, at a house or anywhere they’re not supposed to be, a firefighter comes armed with water to spray all over the fire and put it out. As Christians, we can calm hot discussions started by angry words. How? We use wise words like firefighters use water!
In Proverbs, we learn words have power. Words spoken with love and understanding do great things! They can strengthen a friend, comfort a sibling and encourage a parent. But words thrown out with carelessness or hurtful intentions do the opposite. They can weaken a friend, anger a sibling and discourage a parent. Let’s see what God’s Word says about choosing wise words. Help me find Proverbs 15:1-2.
"A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly."
What do you think a soft answer means? Does it mean we can say mean things as long as we do it really quietly? Of course not! That would be silly! A soft answer means using wisdom to talk to someone.
Think about how firefighters fight fires. Do they toss hot coals onto an already out-of-control fire? Nope! They use a hose to spray things like water, which will calm the fire down.
Imagine your mouth as a hose. When fiery words fill the air, ask God to help you choose words of wisdom to douse the flames. This will not always be easy.
Because words have power, they deeply affect us. When your teacher tells you, “Great work!” you want to keep trying your best. But if the school bully tells you, “Your science fair project is awful,” you may feel upset. This is a moment you’ll need to rely on God’s strength and ask Him for wisdom to choose wise words when you respond.
The Bible says fools don’t control their words well. Instead of putting out fires, they toss coals on large flames by using harsh words that “stir up anger.”
The next time you find yourself in a tough spot where you may be tempted to spew harsh words, pause. Ask your heavenly Father to help you act like a firefighter and choose wise words. Without wisdom, we will make lots of bad choices. Thankfully God shares His wisdom with His children so we can choose to live like Jesus and choose our words with care.