More To Explore

Print off this week's "More to Explore" sheet and use it all week!


More to Explore

Find it in the Bible: John

This week’s story comes from the book of John. John is the last of four books known as the Gospels. The book is written by the disciple whom Jesus loved, John. The book of John tells about the miracles or signs of Jesus.

OT–NT Connection

The Holy Spirit can be seen in the Old Testament as early as Genesis 1:2. Before the creation of the world, God (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) existed.


What was the Holy Spirit doing in Genesis 1:2?
What have you learned about the Holy Spirit this week that you didn’t know before?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

In the Bible we read about the one true God (Deuteronomy 6:4), who shows us who He is in three different persons. We call this the Trinity, and the Trinity includes God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is fully God and has always existed. He is the chosen Helper for believers and convicts the world of sin, guides believers to truth in God’s Word, lives in believers and helps believers communicate with God. (John 14) 

Why do I still sin if I am a believer and the Holy Spirit lives in me?

When we trust Jesus as our Savior, sin no longer controls us. (Galatians 2:20) But we won’t be perfect until we reach heaven. (Philippians 3:21) The Holy Spirit guides us toward the will of God, but sometimes we still make wrong choices. This world is affected by sin. At times we will mess up and choose to do the wrong thing. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit shows us what we did wrong and Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross has paid our debt forever. When we confess our sin, He forgives us and restores our fellowship with Him. (1 John 1:9)


Draw a maze in your journal. Ask an adult to help you look up ideas online. There should be only one correct way to navigate the maze you create.


Sometimes, your life may feel like a maze. But the Holy Spirit will guide you!